Paper bags offer retailers and consumers a packaging option that is highly recycled, compostable, and renewable. The Renewable Bag Council (RBC) is a coordinated effort by Kraft paper producers advocate for access to paper bags in response to legislation to tax, ban, or otherwise restrict the use of recyclable paper bags.
Did you know?
- 1/3 of the U.S. is forested. And, in the last 30 years, U.S. forest area has increased by nearly 33 million acres, or the size of 2,275 football fields of forest growth every day.
- Paper recycling is an environmental success story. The recycling rate for paper and paper-based packaging — including paper bags — has met or exceeded 63% every year since 2009.
- Paper products like paper bags are easily recyclable. Thanks to improved education about the ease, importance, and widespread availability of curbside recycling for paper products.
- Paper bags are a sustainable, clean, hygienic and convenient choice. Paper bags are made from renewable and recyclable resources with responsible manufacturing practices.
The RBC advocates for local and state governments to partner with industry, environmental groups and consumers on programs to increase paper recycling. For more information, contact: